雖然在台灣英語教育不像中國是以背誦為主 但是Melody這學期將參加學校的英語說故事比賽 兩個月前的現在英語老師已經安排各班參加人員 分別利用在午休時間到英語教室練習 (比賽日期在12月初) 題目自選或參考老師提供的書籍 英語說故事比賽是要把故事文章背起來 所以這時後Melody 從小背誦的英語故事能力就可以派上用場 Melody有一位同學補習班補英語 她說同學的補習班評量資料 很多她都不會做 因為文法為主 加上強背單字 但是那位同學在班上英文考試不是很理想 可能是敗在聽寫單元 因為考試時有一大部分是聽cd作答 可能那位同學聽cd 或看vcd訓練較少 聽少又開口誦讀少吧!
從網路上找到的一些適合小朋友的英語短篇文章是不錯的入門方法~ 極短篇 文選中的短文短小精悍,易於背誦。作為口語練習資料非常適合。 我們認為,有一定英語基礎的讀者熟讀和背誦短小精悍、文字優美的名作,有助於培養語感和打好泛讀基礎,對於提高英語的理解能力、寫作能力與口頭表達能力亦能起積極作用。全書第一冊共22篇 (mp3與文章可以下載)Night in the Open World
01 The First Snow
The First Snow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The first snow came. How beautiful it was, falling so silently all day long, all night long, on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of the living, on the graves of the dead! All white save the river, that marked its course by a winding black line acrossthe landscape; and the leafless trees, that against the leaden sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacies of their branches. What silence, too, came with the snow, and what seclusion! Every sound was muffled, every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more tramping hoofs, no more ratting wheels! Only the chiming of sleigh-bells, beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children.
1. meadows: 草地、牧場
2. the living: 活著的人 (定冠詞 the +形容詞,表示某一類人或事物)。下麵的 the dead 與此同
3. save:(adj.) 除了......以外 ex: All had gone save his mother.
4. leaden:(adj.) 鉛灰色的
5. intricacies: (n.) 原指錯綜複雜,這裡指樹枝盤結交錯
6. seclusion:寧靜、遠離喧囂
7. was muffled: 被壓抑而低沉
8. tramping:此處形容馬蹄踏地發出的的聲的樣子
9. rattling:此處形容車輪發出格格聲的樣子
10. chiming: 由動詞 chime(和諧的奏鳴、敲打)得來
11. sleigh-bells:雪橇的鈴
02 THE Humming-Bird
Of all animated beings this is the most elegant in form and the most brilliant in colors. The stones and metals polished by our arts are not comparable to① this jewel of Nature②. She③ has placed it least in size of④ the order of birds⑤, "maxime miranda in minimis."⑥ Her
masterpiece. is this little humming-bird, and upon it she has heaped all the gifts⑦ which the other birds may only share. Lightness, rapidity, nimbleness, grace, and rich apparel⑧ all belong to this little favorite. The emerald⑨, the ruby⑩, and the topaz(11) gleam upon its dress(12). It never soils them with the dust of earth, and in its aerial life scarcely touches the turfan instant. Always in the air, flying from flower to flower, it has their freshness as well as their
brightness. It lives upon their nectar, and dwells only in the climates where they perennially bloom.
From Natural History
by George Louis Leclerc Buffon
[注釋] ①are not comparable to:比不上¼¼的。
②this jewel of Nature:這個大自然的珍寶。這裡作者把美麗無比的蜂烏比作大自然中的一頗天然珍寶。
③she:指 Nature。
④in size of:按¼¼大小。
⑤the order of birds: 鳥類。
⑥maxime miranda in minimis: 拉丁語。maxime 解作"最大",miranda 解作"
值得稱羨的東西",minimis 解作"最小"。
⑦upon it she has heaped all the gifts...:大自然賦予蜂鳥¼¼的一切資質。
⑧rich apparel:原義為色彩鮮豔的衣服,這裡借喻蜂鳥絢麗的羽毛。
11) topaz:原義黃玉,這裡指徽黃色。
12) dress:這裡借喻蜂鳥的羽毛。
03 Pines
The pine placed nearly always among scenes disordered and desolate brings into them all possible elements of order and precision. Lowland trees may lean to this side and that, though it is but a meadow breeze that bends them, or a bank of cowslips from which their trunks lean aslope. But let storm and avalanche do their worst and let the pine find only a ledge of vertical precipice to cling to, it will nevertheless grow straight. Thrust a rod from its last shoot down the stem; it shall point to the centre of the earth as long as the tree lives.Also it may be well for lowland branches to reach hither and thither for what they need and to take all kinds of irregular shape and extension. But the pine is trained to need nothing and to endure everything. It is resolvedly whole, self-contained desiring nothing but rightness content with restricted completion. Tall or short it will be straight .
第一冊 下載地址 http://www.FunP.Net/933685 ( 壓縮檔內有22個mp3與文本 )
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至於網路也收集一些好料 供她有興趣時學習用 超多的