


         The Strength of Spinach?



Don: Yaël, have you ever heard of Popeye the Sailorman? Whenever he is getting beaten up he eats some spinach and becomes really strong. His muscles bulge out and everything.

Yaël: I do burst your bubble Don. But eating spinach has nothing to do with strength.

D: Popeye is a lie?

Y: Not a lie, exactly. See, some time in the 1920s it was reported that a half cup of cooked spinach has thirty-four milligrams of iron, which is a lot. Iron is important because it carries oxygen in the blood. We need oxygen for energy; without enough of it people become weak and tired.

D: So spinach does make you strong, or at least puts extra pep in your step.

Y: Well, it might if it did have much iron. It turns out that the thirty-four milligrams was a typo. A half cup of cooked spinach really has only three point four milligrams of iron. Plus, spinach is actually worse than other iron-containing vegetables because it has a chemical that blocks most of its iron from being absorbed by the blood.

But when the typo was published the idea caught on that spinach was a muscle-building vegetable. That’s where the idea for Popeye came from.

D: So now I have to came up with another point.

Y: Or, how about just being happy with who you are!

D: Or, maybe I'll learn koradji.

Y: Whatever!


Don: 你有聽說過大力水手波沛嗎?每次他被痛打的時候,他就會吃菠菜,吃完了之後他就變得非常強壯——肌肉凸出,一切的一切,變得好強壯啊!

Yaël: Don,我可就要打破你的幻想了!吃菠菜與變得強壯根本就沒什麼聯繫。

D: 波沛是一個謊言?

Y: 確切地說,不是謊言。在上世紀20年代,有報導稱,每半杯已烹飪菠菜含有34毫克鐵元素,含量相當的高。由於在血液中的運氧功能,鐵元素頗為重要。氧是人類的動力之源——一旦缺氧,人類便會變得虛弱、易疲乏。

D: 因而,菠菜確實能讓人強壯——至少能積存下多餘的精力。

Y: 嗯,如果鐵元素的含量很多的時候確實如此。事實證明,那34毫克的鐵元素是排版的錯誤——每半杯已烹飪菠菜僅含3.4毫克鐵元素。再者,事實上菠菜還不如其他含鐵的蔬菜好。原因在於,菠菜含有一種化學物質會大大的阻礙鐵元素被血液吸收。


D: 那麼也就是說,我得重去找其他的方法啦!

Y: 抑或,就高高興興的做你自己!

D: 或者,我還可以去學巫術!

Y: 這個就要看你自己啦!



Good News: Hot Chocolate Is Good for Your Heart!

巧克力熱飲有益心臟  試聽mp3                      

Drinking green tea all the time may get a little boring,but it's helping me stay healthy. Antioxidants fight cancer and heart disease. I heard that fruit juices like cranberry juice also contain a lot of antioxidants.But I don't like cranberry juice.

Fruits and vegetables in general are a great source of antioxidants, but if you’re not in the mood for fruits and vegetables, what about drinking some hot cocoa?

Hot cocoa contains 2-3 times the amount of antioxidants that green tea does, and twice as much as red wine. You can, of course, get the antioxidant benefits of cocoa in other forms too, such as in candy bars and other desserts.

But your average cup of cocoa contains a lot less saturated fat than a regular chocolate bar. And you can cut down fat and sugar more by using skim milk and an artificial sweetener.

What’s more, though you could drink your cocoa cold, researchers recommend hot cocoa because the heat tends to trigger more antioxidants than cold cocoa














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