上週英文老師說下月初有中年級的英文朗誦比賽  最後挑選每班兩位代表參加並拿三篇朗讀文章 要他們回家先自行練習然後老師再指導一下(是中年級組)
因為已經考完期中考且週六學校運動會也舉辦完  所以Melody可以利用本週一補假在家好好練習  
因為從來沒有上安親補習班 所以只好幫她從網路找些別人的比賽影音檔參考

 (1)How Zbras Got  Their Stripes

(2)Milly, Molly, and What was That?


(3) The Ice Cream Touch                    from三思堂童話親子列車

Tommy loved ice cream.  He ate ice cream every day.

He couldn't bear to live without ice cream.

One day.  Tommy met a vanilla ice cream-colored rabbit in the woods.

"I have magic power. I can give you one wish," said the rabbit.

"Really?  May I? " Tommy was surprised.  "Yes," said the rabbit.

" I wish everything I touch would be ice cream," Tommy said.

"Good.  This is a magic pill.  After you eat it, your wish will come true," said the rabbit.

The next morning, Tommy took the pill.  He wondered what would happen next.

He touched his red pillow.  It became ice cream.

He took a bite, he found it was delicious!

Tommy was very excited.  He touched all the things in his room.

Now he had an ice cream bed, an ice cream quilt, and an ice cream desk.

"The magic is real!" he shouted.

He touched his white pants and red shirts.  They became ice cream!

Now Tommy was a little upset.  He couldn't get dressed.  He started to cry.

Guess what?  They were ice cream tears.

Then Tommy heard a sound.

It was Mimi, his pure white little cat.

Mimi was Tommy's best friend.  Tommy cuddled his cat.

"Oh, no!" His best friend also became ice cream.

At that moment, the vanilla ice cream-colored rabbit showed up.

The rabbit looked at all the ice cream and asked,  "What happened?  You look so sad,"

Tommy cried louder.

"Please help me.  I don't want any ice cream!  I just want my cat back!"

"Well, OK," said the rabbit,

"Now I will give you another wish.  Touch things with your right hand and they will return to their original form."

Tommy stopped crying.

He touched Mimi with his right hand.  Mimi was pure white again and leaned against him.

Tommy was so happy!

Then he touched all his things.  Very soon, there was no more ice cream.

Now Tommy still loved ice cream.

He still ate ice cream every day, but he made a wish in his heart:

"I wish I never see that vanilla ice cream-colored rabbit ever again!"


    原CD MP3


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        學校期中考已考完Melody拿下全班第一名也是校排行第一  是老師私下告之(因為學校會表揚每班前五名所以會公佈 不計名次的獎狀)  聽到老師說因為剛從低年級升三年級所以多了自然與社會,   英文一二年級有上但是不考所以三年級開始考五科大家都在摸索中以此勉勵同學們








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